Fillout has partnered with On2Air

We're committed to making your transition from On2Air Forms to Fillout as smooth as possible.

New customers are elligible for 25% off the paid plans for 6 months with the code On2Air25Off. We're here to help with any questions!


Build forms with Fillout + Airtable

How it works

Seamless transition

Migrate your form-based operations from On2Air to Fillout. Our support team is here to help.

Create a free account

Build your forms with Airtable

Fillout integrates natively with Airtable, just like On2Air. You can both create or update records.

Explore Airtable integration

Share forms or embed

Share your forms with a link or embed them on your website. View results in Fillout or directly in Airtable.

Explore help center

Try Fillout now, for free

Use a Fillout form to create or update records in your Airtable bases.