Employee Evaluation Form Template
An employee performance evaluation form is a document used by employers to assess the job performance of their employees. It helps to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses, set goals and expectations, and provide feedback to improve job performance.

Employee Evaluation Form Template
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Frequently asked questions
Can't find the answer you're looking for? Ask us.
- Why should I create an Employee Evaluation Form online using Fillout?
- Using Fillout to create your Employee Evaluation Form can save you time and effort. By going digital, you can easily create a professional-looking form that's also secure and accessible from anywhere. With Fillout, you can also create interactive forms that make it easy to collect feedback from your employees and track their progress over time. Plus, Fillout offers various customization options that will help you tailor the form to your specific needs.
- Can I customize my Employee Evaluation Form using Fillout?
- Yes, you can. Fillout offers various customization options, including the ability to choose your preferred colors, fonts, and backgrounds. You can also add your company logo or branding to the form to make it more personalized. If you need inspiration, you can always check out the examples in Fillout's template gallery.
- Can I connect my Employee Evaluation Form to other web tools using Fillout?
- Yes, you can. Fillout offers various integrations with popular web apps, such as Google Sheets, Slack, and many others making it easy to share the data collected through your form with other members of your team. Additionally, you can integrate your form with Fillout's analytics tools to gain insights into your employees' performance and identify areas for improvement.
- Is my Employee Evaluation Form mobile-friendly using Fillout?
- Yes, it is. All forms created with Fillout are designed to be mobile-friendly and responsive, so your employees can complete the form on any device, whether it's a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. With Fillout's conversational form design, your employees will feel like they're having a natural conversation with you, which can help encourage more honest and constructive feedback.
- Are all features of Fillout's Employee Evaluation Form template free?
- Most of Fillout's features are available for free. However, Fillout does offer premium plans that provide additional features and support. You can check this page to see which plan is right for you: fillout.com/pricing
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