Customize your form’s share preview

Customize meta information about your form link, like the image and text that appear when you share your form on other sites. Remove the Fillout branding on the share image.


Customizing your form’s link preview text and image is an important way to optimize the shareability of your form. When you share your form on other sites or social media platforms, the meta information such as the title, description, and thumbnail play a crucial role in attracting users to click on your link.
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Note: This feature is available to Pro users and above. For more details on pricing, click here.

How to customize social media share preview

By default, your form's share preview shows the name of your form and a general description. Under Change share preview, click Customize to edit the Title, Description, and Thumbnail.
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Upload the image from your desktop, choose an image from the Gallery or paste the an image's Link. Then, click Save settings once done.
Copy your form link and paste it anywhere you'd like, such as a messaging app or website. Here's how our example looks like when sent in a Slack DM.
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