Answer piping

Base logic in form fields on previous answers or use them to personalize your Fillout form with answer piping. Display read only fields.


You can make your Fillout forms dynamic through answer piping, allowing you to personalize your form content to the respondent’s info and responses.
For example, you can create references to:
  • Previous form inputs
  • Dates (e.g. today, a month from now, etc.)

Referencing in headings/field labels

To reference previous form inputs in plain text in the form, type @ in a form field to show the reference menu.
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Select what you’d like from the dropdown (by either pressing Continue to select questions in a page, or Insert when you’re ready), and then head to Preview your form to see it in action.
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Useful: you can always hover over your blue tags/references to see a full description of what you inserted.

Referencing in field logic

To base show/hide logic for fields on previous form inputs, we can click the Logic section on a field and Set conditional logic. Here, every time we click Pick reference, the same menu or dropdown as above will be visible. Click here for more details.

Referencing from the blue + buttons

Whenever you see this blue +, you can reference a previous form input (or any other information) by clicking the blue + button, and referencing information like we did above.
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