Choose Which Google Calendar Fillout Watches for Scheduling Conflicts

How to tweak your Fillout Google Calendar settings for scheduling events

When you connect your Google Calendar account to Fillout—either while setting up your first Scheduling form, or by clicking the + Connect calendar button in the Scheduling Calendar settings tab—your default calendar will be used to watch for scheduling conflicts. Fillout will automatically block out time for existing events to keep you from being double-booked. It will also add new meetings to your default calendar in Google Calendar.
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You can have Fillout also watch your other Google Calendars for events to ensure your availability. Open your Fillout Scheduling dashboard, click the Calendars tab in the left sidebar, then enable any alternate calendars you want Fillout to watch for conflicting events.
You can also change the default calendar for Fillout Scheduling events. In the Calendars tab, click the menu below Add to Calendar, and select the calendar you want Fillout to use for new meetings.
Fillout Scheduling only supports connecting to a single Google Calendar account for now. If you need to schedule events across multiple Google Calendar accounts, contact Fillout Support to request adding additional accounts.