Customize Fillout Scheduling Form Branding

Tweak your Fillout Scheduling Form’s design with your brand colors, logo, and more

There are three ways to customize Fillout Scheduling form branding: The Theme, form URL, and your profile avatar.
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Fillout Scheduling forms by default use a light background color and dark text. Click the Theme button in the bottom-left corner of the scheduling form editor to change the design. Choose from any of the built-in themes, or if you have a premium account, click Custom theme to choose colors and fonts that match your branding. Check Fillout Styling and Branding docs for more details.
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To add a custom form link, open your scheduling form editor, click the Share tab, then select customize link. You can tweak your form’s URL slug, and add a custom preview image that will show up when you share the scheduling form on social media. Paid Fillout accounts can also add a custom domain for fully branded scheduling forms.
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You can edit your Fillout profile avatar from your Fillout account settings. In the Fillout dashboard, click the account menu in the lower left corner, select Settings & Members, then click the My account tab in the left sidebar to edit your avatar and name, if needed. Note that the new avatar will show up on all of your Fillout forms and scheduling forms.