Granular permissions

You can limit team member access, set users to read-only and limit access to connected integration accounts with granular permissions. Available on the Enterprise plan.

Note: Granular permissions are available on the Enterprise plan. Learn more here.

Manage team members with granular permissions

You can limit the access given to any user in your Fillout organization. When inviting a team member, click Select workspaces. Add the workspaces you'd like to grant access to along with their respective access level.
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Full access allows a user to view and edit forms and responses.
Read-only lets users view forms and submissions, but not edit the forms.
Once you’ve made your selections, click Send invites.
The Home workspace is accessible by all collaborators in your organization. To limit access to a form, create or move it into a workspace and set permissions on the workspace.

View existing permissions

Navigate to a workspace and click Team members to view existing permissions for that workspace.
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You can add new or existing users to this workspace in the Invite tab.

Admin vs non-admins

Admins have access to all workspaces and all integrations. They can also change organization-level settings.
Non-admins have limited permissions based on which workspaces they are invited to. They do not have access to organization-level settings.
The account owner is the first user created on the account and has admin privileges by default.

Limit access to integrations (connected accounts)

To limit which team memberse can access which integrations, log in as an admin and head to the integrations page.
By default, integrations are accessible to all workspaces. To limit access to a connected account, click All in the workspaces column.
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Next, select Limited workspaces and choose the workspaces that you would like to share the integration connection with.
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Users who are part of of the allowed workspaces will be able to create new forms with the selected integration and edit existing forms that use that integration. Users who do not have access will not be able to use the integration.

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