Copy and paste a question
Copy and paste your Fillout fields on the same page or across pages.
How to copy and paste form fields
Select the field you want to copy. Then click
⌘ + C
or Ctrl + C
. Alternatively, you may click its settings icon
This will open up the right-hand panel. Click
or the vertical ellipsis followed by Copy
Then, paste anywhere using
⌘ + V
or Ctrl + V
. Good to know: You can paste questions and fields on different pages of your form or even on entirely different forms.
Copy and paste a page
or the vertical ellipsis next to the name of the page followed by Copy
. Then, paste anywhere using ⌘ + V
or Ctrl + V
Alternatively, you may also click
. From here, you will also be able to Rename page
or Delete page