How to select and filter Airtable linked records in a dropdown
Make a linked record picker in Fillout. Optionally filter records based on prior inputs.
Video tutorial
In Fillout, you can even filter which records a user is choosing from. Here's how.
Let users choose from a filtered set of Airtable records
To get started, click
followed by Link to another record
field in your Airtable table that you plan to write or update. 
Now, go ahead and drag and drop that field into the Fillout form editor, and you'll immediately be able to pick from records in that associated table.

Now, you can customize this field with many options like:
- Allow users to create new entries in a new (customizable) form
- Allow selecting multiple linked records
- Select which fields to show (can show images!)
- Limit to a view
- Pick which field to search by
- Filter which records to show based on form inputs or dynamic data
- And many more!